Persophia* Productions

a little theatrical history


Sunday Feb 23-

Co-star and friend of Vivien Leigh, Trader Faulkner, returns to the stage of his earliest career- Sydney' Independent Theatre, where he was discovered by Tyrone Guthrie and invited to London. When he auditioned for John Geilgud and won the role to replace Richard Burton on Broadway Trader began his acclaimed career. Here for the launch of his new book Inside Trader, copies will be signed following a very special talk commemorating his life. 

As a champion of Letter to Larry Trader is 'thrilled'  to share this theatreical history with Susie Lindeman a concert version of Letter to Larry.

The Independent TheatreTickets $45/ $35

Bookings and enquiries

The Independent Theatre ....

Following its exceptional international response, VIVIEN: Letter to Larry, plays one very special Sydney show- honouring both Vivien Leigh's 100th year- and celebrating the 75th Anniversay year of Gone With the Wind. When Larry and Viv led the Old Vic tour to Australia in 1948 , they created a sensation- unlike anything since. The Independent Theatre is the only Sydney theatre left which they frequented. On Sunday afternoon, FEB 23, persophia presents: Letter To Larry- with a great guest appearance by Trader Faulkner, who returns to The Independent Theatre where he was discovered in 1947 . He was then invited to London, and then to Broadway- he has worked with the greats:  Helen Mirren, Maggie Smith,  Gielgud,  the Oliviers- and more. A protogee of Peter Finch, he was Vivien's close friend and co-star.He is in Sydney to launch his new book ,"Inside Trader' , and is a great friend and fan of this show. Please join us for a little theatrical history in 2014.